March 2003
Wednesday 26th March 2003
I've stuck the magnetic door numbers on the car. They're moulding to the contour of the door, so may not fall off after all. Results will be known in less than two weeks.

Saturday 22nd March 2003
I towed the Trailer+Fiesta with the Quattro for the first time. Went out for about 25 minutes along the local dual carriageway to get a feel for how well the Quattro tows. Needn't have worried, as you don't even feel as though the trailer's on the back, she's got that much grunt. Fuel consumption aint too bad either.
Took the Fiesta off the trailer when I got back, and gave her a wash and a check over from the run at Donington. Ran the engine for 15 minutes, to make sure that the alternator is now repaired. All seemed to work flawlessly. First event is now only 2 weeks away, and everything is ready.
I'm trying to make some magnetic numbers to stick on the doors. I bought some magnetic sheeting, to make 7-segment digital displays from, but the sheeting isn't as magnetic as I'd hoped, so I fear the digits will be blown off when I sprint the car. Does anyone know of a supplier of magnetic sheeting, which actually sticks! The sheets are a bit thin, and it's probably down to the thickness which determines how magnetic they are.
Monday 10th March 2003
The amount of spam I'm now receiving has reached such epidemic proportions that I've had to remove my email address from all my web pages. Some spammers use a technique whereby they trawl through web pages, harvesting whatever email addresses they can find, and selling them on for profit. I'm receiving 100+ messages a day, which may not sound much, but when I check my mail once a week, I have to sift my way through over 700 messages first, just to get to the one or two relevant questions from visitors to my site. So you can probably see why I'm no longer publicising my email address. If you have emailed me, and I haven't replied straight away, fear not, I will respond, I'm just battling with spam so it may be a while before I get back to you.
Well, the Audi A6 Quattro is certainly demonstrating her thirst for petrol. I know it's got a 2.8 litre engine, so I shouldn't complain, but she does have a prodigious thirst for gasoline, and at 80 pence per litre, she's proving one expensive lady to run, returning just over 17miles per gallon on the last half tank. Never mind, I can put up with it, so long as she continues to bring a smile to my face whenever I drive her. Four wheel drive is an absolute delight, particularly when pulling out of junctions in the wet. She's impossible to wheel spin, so is great fun to drive when you give her a boot full of welly. Hmm, perhaps my driving style is the source of the excessive fuel consumption? I wonder...

Saturday 8th March 2003
Repaired the alternator today. Removed the broken stud, drilled the hole out to 9mm, and tapped it to M10x1.25 so it takes a larger diameter bolt. Fitted it back on to the engine, and tensioned the drive belt. So apart from needing a wash, the car is ready for the first event at 3 Sisters on April 6th.
Thursday 6th March 2003
Here's some pictures of the latest addition to the family. She's great fun to drive, specially in the wet with the 4WD, if a little thirsty.