December 2004
Saturday 25th December 2004

Wednesday 22nd December 2004
I've bought some carbon fibre sheet, resin, release agent etc, so I can have a play over the winter at making CF parts. I'm going to have a go at making some moulds, and then make some small parts to start off with, gradually working my way up to a full carbon fibre bonnet. Thats the plan anyway. I've found a very informative website which details whats involved in making moulds etc. Worth a visit as the articles are all very well written.
Not much else to report. The suspension and front brake calipers are still away for repairs, the new bathroom is now complete, so the Christmas break will no doubt involve some decorating, in one form or another. Still, it needs doing. I sacrificed 3 months of weekends during the year to compete, and now its time to put something back in to the home. Besides, its cold in the garage...
Friday 10th December 2004
Updated the Gearbox Guide to include my gear linkage modification which reduces friction and slop in any front wheel drive linkage. Gearbox Guide.
In my security role at work, I'm learning about wardriving and bluesnarfing. Fascinating subjects, and scary if you're daft enough to believe that WiFi and Bluetooth are 'secure'.
Saturday 4th December 2004
I reckon I found the cause of the vibration that ended my season at Loton Park in September. Although on the day, I did check everything and couldn't find what the problem was, it wasn't until I took the suspension off the car today that it became clear. When the suspension is fitted, there is sufficient compression in the joint to close it up. So when the car is jacked up, the crack closed, which is why I didn't spot it. Talk about 'seconds from disaster!' I think I'll still take the engine and box out, as I need to change the final drive on the box to raise the top speed, but at least it no longer looks like an expensive box rebuild, to cure the vibration.

Friday 3rd December 2004
Cleaned and bagged the OZ wheels. Let most of the air out the tyres too, leaving around 10psi just so they keep their profile. I'm going to see if I can get a tire rack so I can stick them up on the garage wall, out of harms way.
Its the "Race of Champions" live on British Eurosport on Saturday afternoon, from the Stade de France in Paris. The competition features F1, WRC and many other drivers from all disciplines of motorsport. Should make for an exciting afternoons motorsport. Race of Champions