January 2016

My entry for Rockingham on the 20th March has been accepted. Again Pete will be there, with his Mygale, and Andy Laurence and Andrew O'Malley are joint driving the third Mygale (the ex Ashley Sutton Jamun car), so it will be a great opportunity to compare the three cars, on and off the track. All three cars won races in 2014, so we've lots to live up to.
I'm making a pair of front wing endplates out of Alupanel, which is the ally foam ally 3mm thick composite material supplied by Coalville Signs. [PDF here]. So far, before I even trim them to the right shape, the rough cut panels are around 250g each, and the 10mm thick Nylon end plates from the car weight 880g each. This will be an easy combined 1.2Kg weight saving for the pair, and I may also make some to replace the rear wing end plates too, as they're both huge and must weight a couple of KGs each.
I also finished the fuel pump cable off, and drained the tank. I didnt get as much fuel out as I hoped, so the car is pretty close to the 465Kg as quoted by the manufacturers. Still, with development I expect the weight to gradually decrease. The cable features a pair of crocodile clips, and an inline fuse holder, all from RSWWW.
I've borrowed a set of Intercomp SW500 digital corner scales, and I'll weigh the car before I remove the gearbox. Any guesses as to how much the car weighs? It should be 475Kg less the 7Kg I've removed, so around 468Kg, with what little fuel is left inside the tank. I'll weigh it with me sat inside too, to get a more accurate measurement. This, with the motion ratios, should allow me to calculate the right spring poundages to give the wheel frequency I desire.
I took the nose and suspension cover over to Faircharm on Saturday, to allow Shane to work his magic with the spray gun. I'm sticking with gloss black for now. They should be ready in about three weeks.
I've also renewed my HSA membership, and I've entered the Rockingham Sprint, on March 20th. I will be testing the car at Blyton on March 11th, so as long as I dont break it or discover some problems that prevent me from racing on the 20th, I will be racing the car for the first time at Rockingham, which has to be one of my favourite venues to drive.
The FTR202 gearbox cover has turned up from Radical. The idea is that I can now run without the carbon crash box, and the replacement carrier allows me to run the rear wing without needing spacers in place of the crash box.

SBD has been working on their 1.6 EcoBoost project, and have so far developed 300BHP and 300ft/lb of torque, with yet more to come. Imagine that in the Mygale? Here is a linky to their FB page. Its a shame the FTR gearbox is only rated to 240ft/lb of torque....