Advertisers & Sponsors Page
Dear potential Advertiser
The Zetecinside website reaches 10's of thousands of visitors every year. It is one of the most well known web sites amongst Ford enthusiasts in the UK, EMEA, and the USA.
Type Zetec in to Google and this site is usually within the top three websites listed.
And I go to great lengths to ensure that the site is updated regularly, conforms to W3C web standards, and is therefore 100% available to Windows, Firefox, and Apple users.
I currently rely on Google Ads to generate some revenue, but it falls a long way short of the funds I need to compete at the very highest level in the UK. Therefore, through sponsorship deals with companies such as Quaife, Titan, Earls, Goodridge, I have managed to build a very competitive car, at reduced cost.
However, tyres, fuel, and entry fees eat up most of my annual budget. Therefore, I need to attract more sponsorship in order to compete at more events and stand a greater chance of winning the overall championship. (Anything is possible given the right conditions, equipment, and attitude)
If you are interested in sponsoring me, and would like to see your company name prominently displayed on the car and on the web site, in return for financial support, parts, or services provided, then please contact me at the address shown below:

Sincerely yours
Graham Blackwell
Rate Card
The costs of advertising on the zetecinside website are as follows (2012 to date):